That feeling really sucked! 
But must be accepted.

As a "transferred", actually, I did not bad even a good job, being near my expectation. 
However it's a bit away from my hoping(wish?). 
I can say I almost got it, but in vain eventually. 

Yup, with grief, and some joy still, I still got the second chance! 
Encouraging myself after finishing the exams always, plus some great movies, I've really been alive! 

It's time to keep fighting, being eager for grades, and strugling for another chance given againg! 
Just forget about what'd gone away and move on! 

Come on brave lifepassers! 
Life, still passes on! 

You're not alone and I am, too. 
We're gonna be better during these months and, finally, the BEST! 

決心指考的同學們!一起擊個掌吧! 加油! 


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